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Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior
Annual Meeting -  2004

The Forum will be limited to the first 25 people who submit an acceptable abstract. This meeting is for people who are experienced in the field, not for those wanting assistance entering the field.

Guidelines for site host, prog. comm. & moderator

Program Schedule 

None posted yet

Group Picture More Pictures

February 27-29, 2004
9am Friday through about 5 pm on Sunday

See below for possible area tours on Thursday

Registration Deadline:  

October 13, 2003 
Please contact Dr. Hunthausen for late registration.


Florida, Orlando area

Hotel Info:

Oak Plantation Resort
4090 Enchanted Oaks Circle
Kissimmee, Florida 34741
Phone (407) 847-8200
Fax (407) 847-7948

One Bedroom Villa - $79


Hotel amenities

Site Host:

Stephen Zawistowski
424 E. 92nd St.
New York, NY 10128
212-876-7700 (ext. 4401)


Travel information:


Mears Transportation
Their shuttle service will go from Orlando International Airport and drop off at Oak Plantation Resort and other resorts in the Kissimmee area. The cost is $41.00 round trip for adults and $23.00 for children.  They also offer a one way cost of $32.00 for Adults and children $19.00. Arrangements can be made at the airport when you arrive.

Area information:

Located  approximately 8 miles from Walt Disney World


Thursday - We are tentatively planning an arranged tour of Disney World’s Animal Park, a visit to Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville at Universal Studios Plaza, and a visit the Harmony community development. 


  • The registration fee covers lunches and organizing expenses.

  • Mail your registration form and a check payable to IFAAB for $50.00 (US funds) to Wayne Hunthausen.

  • One to three abstracts must be submitted in the body of an email (see below) to Wayne Hunthausen by October 13, 2003.   Please do not send as an attachment.

  • Registrations will not be accepted without an emailed abstract.  

  • Registration confirmation will be emailed.  

    Dr. Wayne Hunthausen
    4820 Rainbow Blvd
    Westwood, KS 66205    913.362.2512 

Cancellation and refunds

Full refund if cancellation is received by January 28, 2004.  
None after that date.

  • Each attendee must either give a presentation on a topic, lead a discussion, or participate on a panel.
  • The topics must be related to the field of applied animal behavior, and relevant to behavior consultants.  
  • Abstracts should be 75-300 words, have a title, be concise and in a form ready to be posted on the IFAAB website. 
  • They need not be detailed, but should contain enough information so that other attendees will have a general idea of the information that will be presented. 
  • They must be sent in the body of an email, not as an attachment. 
  • Be sure to send a/v requirements and estimated time of presentation with your abstract
  • The program committee will evaluate all submissions and notify the participants by email once they are accepted.
Guidelines For Presentations

Length of presentation may be from 20 to 50 minutes

 Suggested presentations formats:

  • Practical applications  

  • Interesting case histories for discussion (videos encouraged)  

  • Panel discussion:  2 to 3 panel participants give a short introduction to topic and then open the discussion to the group

  • Research presentations 

  • Animal learning or ethological theory as they relate to the diagnosis or treatment of behavior problems

Be sure to send a/v requirements  and estimated time of presentation with your registration.

A/V equipment available
  • LCD projector
  • Flip chart and  markers

If you need anything else be sure to contact Steve Zawistowski  stevez@aspca.org


Summary Of The Activities And Tentative Time-Frame For The 2003 MEETING 

  • April 1 - Site determined
  • April 15 - Site info forwarded from site host  to J Wright for registration brochure and W Hunthausen for website
  • August 1 - Registration information mailed
  • Oct 13 - Registration deadline
  • Oct 14- 22 - Abstracts sent by email to the program committee.
  • Oct 22 - Program committee begins to evaluate abstracts.
  • Nov 11 - Applicants notified by email that their applications are complete.
  • Nov 12 - Committee begins to design a tentative program. The committee communicates with applicants for which there are questions to work out acceptable abstracts.
  • Nov 15 - Program committee finalizes program
  • Nov 20 - Final approval of program.
  • Nov 25 - Applicants notified that their abstracts (and which ones) have been accepted.
  • Dec 12 - Program committee sends final  program  with a list of equipment requirements to W Hunthausen for posting on website.

























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