1. Copy & paste into an email, fill out, send to wayneh42@aol.com by June 18, 2010 2. Print copy and mail with check made out to IFAAB (Postmarked by June 18, 2010) to:
Wayne Hunthausen, DVM IFAAB 2010 Cabell Apartments Room Reservations Name: _________________________ Roommate (If applicable): __________________________ Please indicate in the boxes below with an "X" the dates you will be staying and if you are requesting a single or double occupancy room.
Cabell Apartments Nightly rates:
Double occupancy rooms @ $32 a person per night, and single occupancy rooms @ $47 per night * Please add $10 to your total for the linen charge assessed by Cabell Apartments I have enclosed a check made out IFAAB in the amount of $____________ which covers the cost for the length of my stay and linen charge.