Abstracts - IFAAB 2012 Meeting
2012 meeting |
Crista Coppola & Nancy Williams
Impulsivity, Lack of Impulse Control, Lack of Inhibition – what is
everyone talking about?
The new buzz word in training and behavior modification is “Impulse
Control”, either lack of or teaching some. It appears to be either the
origin of every behavior problem (lack of) or the solution to every behavior
problem (teaching some). Is it really this simple?
Current research in dogs includes a search to define “impulsivity” that
appears to be inherited in other species, and increases with age,
inattention to stimuli, and hyperactivity in a non-novel environment. It is
also unclear if impulsivity is a medical and/or behavior problem, or if it
exists at a pathological level.
Let’s talk about what everyone else is talking about and see if we agree, on
the term, definition, cause, effect or even the technique. Be prepared to
share how you treat “impulse control” problems in your practice. Videos and
handouts are encouraged
Theresa DePorter
Case report: “Anxiety revealed: Pongo’s story”
The patient, Pongo, is a 5 year old Border collie mix known to be anxious in
the car. This dog is owned by a friend of the author and she agreed to
participate in an assessment trial of Anxitane (L-theanine) to see if
Pongo’s anxiety in the car could be reduced by this natural product. Pongo’s
behavior in the car was unbearable: he was relentless and he barked, paced,
panted during every moment of a car ride.
Presentation will include videos of Pongo’s behavior in a car before and
after treatment with Anxitane. Following treatment for his car ride anxiety,
the owner noted other changes in behavior and she was enlightened to the
behaviors he displayed which were related to anxiety and not just his
personality or bad training. Pongo barked persistently when visitor’s came
to the home, sometimes he was afraid to drink from his own water bowl and he
frequently reacted to common household noises. He woke her up every night,
for years. He went to the veterinary office for a nail trim every 6 weeks,
which required multiple staff members to restrain him and he expressed his
anal glands during every visit. Pongo has been a behavioral “guinea pig”
for various anxiolytics including: Anxitane, DAP, Harmonease and Reconcile.
This owner developed a greater understanding of her dog’s motivation,
behaviors and anxiety by treating a single, specific problem and as a result
she became more aware of her dog’s constant state of anxiety. Though
generally his behaviors have improved over the last couple of years, he
regresses when anxiolytic interventions are discontinued. During these
anxiolytic tests, we have learned a greater appreciation for the subtle and
not so subtle anxiety Pongo displays. Much of his activities would have been
easily dismissed as just being a “bad dog”.
Lauren Hays
Field Trial Retrievers (Part 2) - A New Understanding of Fine-Tuned
In the last 20 years, the intensely competitive world of field trial
retrievers has seen a major shift in training methodology. As the dogs have
become better and the tests have become harder, the training has had to
evolve as well. We will take a look at past methods, their results and the
type of dog those methods produced, along with the contributing factors
making change necessary to maximize a dog's performance in the field.
Specific problems such as "popping", "no-gos", and "bugging" will be looked
at from both the older methodology view and the newer methodology view.
Video footage and a slide show will help demonstrate specific behaviors.
The discussion would focus on application of these methods in other areas,
other ways to encourage the shift to newer training methods, and performance
dog training in general.
Julie Hecht
Canines in the Classroom
As the field of canine science grows exponentially, canine research is
making its way into classroom settings. Three examples of courses are Canine
Cognition (Alexandra Horowitz, Barnard College), Canine Science: Nature of
Dogs (Leslie Angel, Carroll College) and Behavior of Wolves & Dogs (Barbara
Smuts, University of Michigan).
I will provide a survey of undergraduate canine science classes, and we will
discuss their broader implications. In addition to presenting which research
is making its way out of academic journals and into classrooms, we will
discuss whether the scientific findings that are relevant for scholastic
audiences are also relevant for the general public and people interacting
with domesticated species. Additionally, we will discuss how teachers and
practitioners address tensions between differing findings in an evolving
Dan Estep and Suzanne Hetts
Amazing Feats of Canine Cognition: What Would Clever Hans Say?
In this presentation we’ll review recent research about the ability of dogs
to attend to gestural cues from people, and how handlers’ expectations can
influence the performance of dogs in a working setting. We’ll also show
video of a dog we evaluated whose owner claimed could perform a variety of
complex tasks and could supposedly demonstrate name recognition of a number
of objects. Researchers should be alert to the fact that dogs may be more
susceptible to Clever Hans effects than other species, and extraordinary
care needs to be taken in canine cognition and other canine research to
avoid these effects.
Mark Hines, the Kong Company
From Idea to Marketplace – What it Takes to Create a Successful Pet
At some point in our careers, we’ve likely had an idea for a product – a
toy, a training aid, or other device that we are sure thousands of pet
owners would buy and would make us millions of dollars if we could just
develop the product and get it to market. But what’s really involved in
that process? In this presentation, I will be
discussing the challenges of pet product development and “myth busting” some
of the common assumptions. From conception to market there are multiple
steps in between that must be taken to ensure a safe and saleable pet
On an informal basis, I’d also like to share
videos and my experiences from my recent trip to China which included visits
to animal shelters, veterinary hospitals and pet stores. Incongruities
about attitudes toward animals abound – as one person put it, they are
saving dog in shelters, but the restaurant on the corner still has
“dog” on the menu.
Wayne Hunthausen
The use of an alpha-2 antagonist, clonidine, for treating canine anxiety
Karen B. London and Patricia B. McConnell
Love Has No Age Limit: Help for those adopting adult dogs
Abstract: Adopting an adult or adolescent dog is different in many ways than
acquiring a new puppy, and this difference presents challenges to the dog's
new family. Too often, these challenges result in unsuccessful adoptions:
Research in one area of the country found that over a third of adopted dogs
were returned to the shelter from which they came. This presentation focuses
on how professionals can help clients prepare for and adjust to dogs of
varying ages to help facilitate successful adoptions. We will discuss, based
on our personal experiences, our work with clients and the observations of
shelter/rescue workers, how an adopter's expectations are often out of line
with the reality of adopting an older dog. Our intent is to begin the
presentation by summarizing our observations and advice based on the book
Love Has No Age Limit, a copy of which will be given to all attendees, and
to open this timely and important issue up for discussion.
Ellen Mahurin and Jennifer Shryock
Dogs & Storks and the Dog and Baby Connection
I will give you an overview of these two programs designed to keep dogs in
their homes when children enter the family and to prevent dog bites to
children. These goals are met by helping parents understand realistic
expectations, prepare their dogs for a new baby and foster healthy
relationships as dogs and babies grow together. I have been using D&S and
DABC in my consulting business since June 2011 and I have found these
programs to be incredibly helpful to my clients and a boost to my business.
D&S and DABC were created by Jennifer Shryock, Certified Dog Behavior
Consultant, mother of four human children and mother of multiple dogs.
Petra A. Mertens
Cross suckling in litters of hand raised kittens in a shelter setting
The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA provides care for over 1000 orphan
kittens annually. Kittens enter the organization’s nursery between one day
of age and eight weeks of age. Within this population, we see a number of
kittens who engage in suckling behavior on litter mates. The behavior is
often transient and situational. In some cases, suckling is severe, causing
harm and injury to litter mates. Injuries that kittens sustain can require
medical attention, including surgical repair.
This prospective study explores the prevalence of the behavior among the
organization’s orphan kitten population. Kittens who are raised by their
queens in the organization’s queen nursery serve as a control group. Data
collected includes the age when the behavior occurs, the severity, the body
part affected, the duration of the problem, other behavioral issues
observed, as well as behavior issues reported by adopters after the cats’
adoption into a home.
Karen Pryor
Clicker Training: History, progress, and implications
Clicker training is a nickname for a behavioral technology using operant
conditioning, positive reinforcement and a conditioned stimulus as event
marker. It was NOT invented by me. Like most technologies, it was developed
by many people over many years.
The underlying science was first categorized by BF Skinner. Skinner graduate
students Keller and Marian Breland took the principles out of the laboratory
in the '40's and developed applications for commercial and military
purposes. The first widespread general application was in the marine mammal
community. Dolphin training with operant conditioning started in 1960’s,
and there it stayed, for almost 30 years. The technology did not spread to
the general public until the publication of Don’t Shoot the Dog in 1985, a
book about reinforcement with people, not with dogs, which nevertheless
launched the gradual adoption of force-free training by a new generation of
dog trainers.
The rise of the Internet facilitated communication throughout the dog
community and into the horse and zoo communities. One result was an
abundance of instructional books, videos, and teaching seminars. The
technology is easy to learn and easy to transfer. From both dog and dolphin
trainers, ordinary zoo keepers all over the planet began learning to shape
and reinforce behavior. Zoos now routinely develop cooperative and voluntary
behavior (holding still for blood draws and immunizations, for example) in
okapis and hyenas, and many other large and small animals previously
impossible to treat without physical or chemical restraints.
Human-related applications using a marker signal and shaping (rather than
discrete trial and verbal instruction-based learning) began in the 1990's
with sports, spread to autism and special needs, and now include
skills-building techniques in many human areas, from music to personnel
Modern training is giving us new insights into specifics of learning
capacity across species, including invertebrates. Protocols have been
developed for teaching ‘intelligent’ behavior such as concept formation,
innovative behavior, and elements of language (verbs+nouns+adjectives for
example) to a wide range of species. For us ‘clicker trainers’ the new
questions now are not about reinforcement and behavior analysis but about
the neuroscience describing what happens when reinforcement occurs. And as
we are learning from the neuroscientists, they are learning from us; a new
generation of Harvard graduate students is getting new answers from their
cranially implanted rats—via clicker training.
Pamela Reid and Kristen Collins
Enduring “Love”: Evaluating the Animal Victims of Hoarding
Dogs rescued from hoarding situations run the gamut from friendly, sociable
animals to extremely fearful—even feral—creatures. Resilient, outgoing dogs
may be ready for immediate placement in new homes. Some of the frightened
ones come around with time in a shelter or foster home. Others suffer from
such a poor quality of life that the only humane option is euthanasia. The
variability in behavior we observe in hoarding-case dogs is of particular
interest given the lack of experiential and genetic diversity we assume
exists in these animals. Not only does the behavior evaluation prove a
useful tool in determining disposition of these victims of misguided “love,”
but it also provides us with a picture of the unique characteristics of
inbred, isolated populations. By creating behavioral profiles of dogs from
hoarding situations, we can better distinguish these animals from other
victims of cruelty and provide guidance for placement and rehabilitation.
Melissa Shyan-Norwalt
“Mommy and Daddy Love You!”—Baumrind’s Developmental Psychology Parenting
Model: Parallels to Pet Management?
Once classic developmental psychology parenting model (Baumrind, ____)
suggests that different levels and combinations of discipline and nurturance
lead to predictable child-as-adult outcomes. Although the model is now
viewed as somewhat simplistic, it creates a possible parallel to how
different owners respond to and manage their pets. Can this model can help
predict pet behavior outcomes? Can it be used as an analogy-tool to
educate owners to improve their handling techniques? Baumrind’s Model will
be presented, including positives and pitfalls. Then IFAAB participants will
be asked to discuss it in terms of similarities and differences in pet
behavior management, and whether the model might have usefulness for
behavior management and problem resolution.
Valarie V. Tynes
The Role of Medical Conditions in Stereotypic Animal Behavior: A Case
Repetitive behaviors are some of the more common behavioral problems
seen in captive wild animals and it has long been suggested that their
presence is indicative of poor welfare. The causes of stereotypical
behavior are complex and multi-factorial. To complicate matters, a
variety of medical conditions can contribute to stereotypical behavior.
Failure to treat a medical condition can also lead to poor animal
welfare. This presentation is intended to familiarize attendees with
some of the more recent findings about the role of medical conditions in
stereotypic behaviors using a case report of a captive North American
River Otter exhibiting tail chasing behavior.
Victoria L Voith
Results of
comparison of visual and DNA identification or mixed-breed dogs and
inter-observer reliability.
Over 900 participants viewed one minute video clips of dogs of unknown
parentage The majority of respondents were in animal control/sheltering and
veterinary medical fields. . There was little agreement between visual and
DNA identifications. Nor was there much agreement among respondents as to
what they thought was the most predominant breed in a dog identified as a
mixed breed.
20-30 minutes.
Michele Wan
The Role of Experience in the Human Perception of Emotion in Dogs
Interpretations of the behavior of dogs in videos - in particular,
perceptions of the dogs' emotions - were compared among 2,163
participants with different levels of dog experience (never owned a
dog, dog owner, dog professional for less than ten years, dog
professional for ten or more years). People's level of dog experience
was strongly associated with their perceptions of the viewed dogs'
emotions. Differences by experience were the most evident in
interpretations of negatively-valenced emotional displays (as judged
by an initial expert panel). Less-experienced individuals tended to
provide more positive emotion ratings of negatively-valenced behavior
than more-experienced individuals. In addition, they were more likely
to categorize negatively-valenced behavior as happy, rather than
fearful. Compared to less-experienced individuals, individuals with
greater dog experience were more likely to focus on the dogs' ears and
facial expressions and less likely to focus on legs and tails when
interpreting the dogs' behavior. In sum, individual differences in
dog experience were associated with variation in the observation and
interpretation of dog behavior.
Camille Ward and Rebecca Trisko
Unleashed Dog Daycare and Training
In previous studies, we examined interactions between two dogs. In
this presentation, we expand our focus to investigate third-party
interactions. Interactions between more than two dogs routinely
occur, for example, in households where multiple dogs are kept, at dog
parks, and in dog daycare centers. By understanding three-way
interactions, dog guardians and applied professionals will be better
equipped to manage multi-dog situations. We videotaped third-party
interventions (i.e., disruptions) in dyadic interactions between dogs
in three different contexts: 1) within litters of puppies, 2) within
groups of dogs at a daycare facility, and 3) case studies of dogs
within a multi-dog household. We identify and describe several
patterns associated with third-party interventions, compare our
findings with other social species, and make recommendations for
managing multi-dog environments. |